End Bonded Labour is a community that seeks to address the scale, scope and nature of Bonded Labour across India, by forming a platform where individuals and organizations can find resources and reach out to leaders, increasing accountability and inspiring action.

What do we do


EBL is a platform to network concerned individuals who have interest and desire to gain awareness about bonded labour which is a form of human trafficking.


By using various resources and information available on EBL anyone can identify, prevent human trafficking and restore the lives of the oppressed.

Why should this interest you


Every citizen is born with fundamental rights. Fundamental Rights are defined as basic “human rights which include the right to life and liberty, freedom from slavery and torture, freedom of opinion and expression, the right to work and education, and many more”.These rights universally apply to all citizens, irrespective of race, sex, place of birth, religion, caste or gender.


Bonded labor which often also involves human trafficking is illegal. It is unfortunately a lucrative business, increases crime, develops criminal networks, hence reducing security and safety of the society.

Today some industries exploit bonded labour to create their products that we consume every day. As consumers of these products we end up perpetuating the practice even further. Therefore, it becomes even more urgent for us to understand the issue. EBL gives awareness and the knowledge to identify or recognize elements of human trafficking in whatever form it may be.

How can you contribute


With access to the internet everyone has a unique opportunity to communicate and bring dignity to the oppressed.


The first and most crucial step would be to become conscious about human trafficking by equipping ourselves with resources to build a safe future for the society.


To spread awareness about bonded labour and human trafficking you can Like, share and use the resources on EBL to be equipped and to equip.


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